Monday, January 9, 2017

Update: Amendments to Canada's Trade-Mark Act

Accepting goods and services classed with the Nice Classification

I can't believe this has been going on since 2014.  Anyway, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office posted this on its website on January 3, 2017.

It is also with great pleasure that we announce Canada’s display of acceptable Nice 11th Edition goods and services to be reflected in WIPO’s Goods and Services Manager.

Accepting goods and services classed with the Nice Classification is part of our commitment to align our practices with international standards helping to attract foreign investment in Canada and support Canadian businesses, innovators and inventors to compete with the best in the world. 

Don't get too excited! This doesn't mean that those “non specific” Nice classifications will all be acceptable. But the Manager does tell you what is or isn't acceptable 😉

Like this, except in blue

Happy 150th birthday Canada

On another note, Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday this year. In recognition of this, Trade-Mark Registration Certificates now feature the 150 birthday logo instead of the three autumn maple leafs.

There are other, much more interesting, things going on too.   Ottawa 2017

This might just be a good year to make that long postponed trip to Ottawa.

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